Taputeranga Marine Reserve

snorkelling taputerangaSnorkelling Taputeranga Marine ReserveThe 854 Hectare (8 540 000 sqm) Taputeranga Marine Reserve is located close to Wellington’s city centre. It lies in the confluence of three oceanic water bodies and currents, which bring together a unique and richly varied mixture of warm, cold, temperate, and subantarctic fauna and flora. The northern and southern limits of many fish, invertebrates and algal species occur within the reserve. The complex topography of the coast and high energy of the coastal waters has created a wide variety of habitats within a relatively small area. It has become a very popular marine reserve and a vitally important scientific and educational site. 

Community groups in Wellington lead the drive to create the marine reserve and are very active today with a host of activities goiing on all the time in the reserve. Below are links to two of the groups and their web sites. 


Friends of Taputeranga Marine Reserve                                            The Island Bay Marine Education Centre

  taputeranga map 480

Below are two excellent videos taking you into and underwater at the Taputeranga Marine Reserve. 

 Below go for a dive in the video below a see the remarkable recovery of crayfish and other marine life taking place in the reserve. 

Check out this fascinating video and story of divers witnessing a crayfish spawning event at the edge of the Taputeranga Marine Reserve.

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